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snippet: Includes the Green Ribbon Landscapes created as part of the Return on Environment (ROE) 2019 findings for the Swatara Creek Watershed in Dauphin County. Used as part of Manada Conservancy's Swatara Greenway program. For additional information visit the project website at .
summary: Includes the Green Ribbon Landscapes created as part of the Return on Environment (ROE) 2019 findings for the Swatara Creek Watershed in Dauphin County. Used as part of Manada Conservancy's Swatara Greenway program. For additional information visit the project website at .
accessInformation: Manada Conservancy with assistance provided by Audubon Mid-Atlantic through a grant from the Community Conservation Partnerships Program, Environmental Stewardship Fund, under the administration of the PA Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Bureau of Recreation and Conservation.
maxScale: 5000
typeKeywords: []
description: <DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><P STYLE="margin:0 0 7 0;"><SPAN>Green Ribbon Landscapes (GRL) represent some of the most significant places in an area that maintain services provided by nature. Green Ribbon Landscapes are areas where large, native forests, stream sides, and grassland habitats connect with trails, parks and green, open space that provide the highest environmental health, biological diversity, and economic sustainability.</SPAN></P><P STYLE="margin:0 0 7 0;"><SPAN>The Swatara Creek and land along it represent a Green Ribbon Landscape, providing an economic benefit of $71 million annually in natural system services such as water filtration, stormwater mitigation, and habitat, among others. Meanwhile, these natural system services compiled throughout Dauphin County’s portion of the Swatara Creek watershed provides an estimated $106 million in economic benefit.</SPAN></P><DIV><P><SPAN /></P></DIV></DIV>
title: SG Green Ribbon Landscapes
tags: ["Swatara Creek Greenway","Return on Environment (ROE)","Manada Conservancy"]
culture: en-US
minScale: 150000000