Description: Forest land cover data extracted from 2019 National Land Cover (NLCD) and grouped by size to define small, medium and large forest tracts.
Description: The GIS file includes results from the 2022 Monroe County Return on Environment (ROE) study. Findings include values for natural systems services, protection status, Green Ribbon Landscapes (GRL) location and priorities (recommended actions ). The values are derived using a methodology that calculates ROE values using information on site conditions, peer review studies, and defined ecoprice values.
Description: The GIS file includes results from the 2022 Monroe County Return on Environment (ROE) study. Findings include values for natural systems services, protection status, Green Ribbon Landscapes (GRL) location and priorities (recommended actions ). The values are derived using a methodology that calculates ROE values using information on site conditions, peer review studies, and defined ecoprice values.
Description: The GIS file includes results from the 2022 Monroe County Return on Environment (ROE) study. Findings include values for natural systems services, protection status, Green Ribbon Landscapes (GRL) location and priorities (recommended actions ). The values are derived using a methodology that calculates ROE values using information on site conditions, peer review studies, and defined ecoprice values.
Description: Mapped riparian buffer areas for the Monroe County ROE Project. Areas include riparian buffers within 100 feet of surface water features. ROE values account for riparian area conditions such as stream hierarchy, vegetative cover and adjacent land uses.
Description: The GIS file includes results from the 2022 Monroe County Return on Environment (ROE) study. Findings include values for natural systems services, protection status, Green Ribbon Landscapes (GRL) location and priorities (recommended actions ). The values are derived using a methodology that calculates ROE values using information on site conditions, peer review studies, and defined ecoprice values.