 "culture": "en-US",
 "name": "",
 "guid": "",
 "catalogPath": "",
 "snippet": "",
 "description": "Represents the Primary Facility type Air Emission Plant (AEP) point features. Air Emissions Plant is a DEP primary facility type related to the Air Quality Program. The sub-facility types related to the Air Emissions Plant that are included are: Air Pollution Control Device, Combustion Unit, Fuel Material Location, General Administrative Location, Incinerator, Point of Air Emission, and Process. Air Pollution Control Device: Facility that removes one or more pollutants from an exhaust stream. Examples include a baghouse or wet scrubber. Combustion Unit: Facility that burns coal, oil, or natural gas. Combustion units are used to produce either electricity, steam, hot gases, or some combination of these. Examples include a utility boiler or gas turbine. Fuel Material Location: Facility for storage of fuels shared by multiple combustion units, incinerators, or processes. Examples include oil storage tanks and larger natural gas supply lines. General Administrative Location: An administrative location is created automatically for every new air emission plant primary facility. It is used for locational data to represent the entire primary facility, instead of assigning lat/longs to each sub-facility. The General Administrative Location sub-facility may be obsolete in the future, once eFACTS allows locations at the primary level. Incinerator: Facility that destroys solid waste products using a variety of fuels. Examples include municipal waste incinerators and hospital infectious waste incinerators. Point of Air Emission: Exact location or structure from which all other air emission plant sub-facilities exhaust their emissions. Examples may include a steel or masonry smokestack; however, a point of air emission may also represent fugitive emissions that escaped from other points of a facility. Process: Facility that produces or modifies a product, and creates an air emission from either the materials used or a fuel consumed. Examples include coating lines or cement kilns. Continuous Emission Monitoring Point: Devices attached to smokestacks that monitor specific pollutants, i.e. sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, etc.",
 "summary": "",
 "title": "Air Emission Plants 2024_01",
 "tags": [],
 "type": "",
 "typeKeywords": [],
 "thumbnail": "",
 "url": "",
 "minScale": "NaN",
 "maxScale": "NaN",
 "spatialReference": "",
 "accessInformation": "Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection",
 "licenseInfo": "",
 "portalUrl": ""